Saturday, June 08, 2013

Review : Upside DownnnZzzz (Adam & Eden)??

Kirsten Dunst (Spider-Man, Melancholia) and  Jim Sturges (Cloud Atlas, Across the Universe) star in Upside DownnnZzzz , an interplanetary dystopian romance about a young man’s search for the long-lost girl of his dreams. Written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Juan Solanas and set in twinned worlds with opposite gravities, the film puts an eye-popping, original twist on the classic tale of forbidden love.
Lovers Adam (Sturgess) and Eden (Dunst) are separated not just by social class and a political system bent on keeping them apart, but also by a freak planetary condition: they live on twinned worlds with gravities that pull in opposite directions—he on the poverty-stricken planet below, she on the wealthy, exploitative world above. The planets are so close that their highest mountain peaks almost touch. That’s where Adam and Eden first meet as children. And later, as teens, where he pulls her down to his world by a rope to cavort in dual-gravity bliss (visiting the other planet does not release a person from the gravitational pull of their native planet). But when interplanetary border-patrol agents attack them, Eden falls back to her world—apparently dead.
Ten years later, Adam learns that Eden is alive and working at TransWorld—a vast corporation whose towering headquarters is the only structure that connects the planets—and the only legal means of passing between them. In a desperate attempt to find her, Adam gets a job at TransWorld developing a revolutionary face-lift cream based on a secret, gravity-neutralizing ingredient that has been passed down for generations in his family. From his lower-world cubicle, he quickly sets about infiltrating the upper-world executive suites to reconnect with Eden.
And so begins a quest fraught with dangers and challenges—from having to woo Eden all over again because of the memory loss she suffered in the fall, to fleeing authorities through a topsy-turvy realm where up is sometimes down and down is sometimes up. Upside Downnzzz is a visually stunning romantic adventure that asks the question: what if love was stronger than gravity?

Thursday, June 06, 2013

WRP : Tipzz Mengecilkan & Membentuk Perutzzz Langsing sehabis melahirkannnn ???

Sexy Abs like Jessica Alba? Tentu saja bisa! Atau sekedar ingin mengecilkan perutzzz sehabis melahirkan? Tentu saja bisa. Artikel pendek ini adalah bagian dari seri WRP dalam menjawab keinginan para Ladies yang ingin memiliki tubuh langsing dan indah dengan cara yang sehat. Check out this list of exercises and tipzz and get your dream abs now. Selamat mencoba!

Latihan untuk perut

Crunch Toe Touch

  1. Berbaringlah di atas matras dengan kedua kaki dan tangan lurus ke atas.
  2. Ambil napas lewat hidung dan luruskan tulang belakang.
  3. Buang napas lewat mulut sambil mengangkat bagian atas tubuh (kepala, leher, dan bahu) semaksimal mungkin hingga kedua tangan hampir menyentuh kedua kaki

Slow Bicycles 
  1. Berbaringlah di atas matras dengan tangan diposisikan di belakang kepala.
  2. Tekuk kaki kiri sehingga lutut kiri mengarah ke dada, sedangkan kaki kanan diangkat hingga membentuk sudut 45 derajat dengan lantai.
  3. Angkat bagian atas tubuh (kepala, leher, dan bahu), dan arahkan pundak sebelah kanan untuk mendekati kaki kiri. Tahan hingga 3 hitungan.
  4. Lakukan juga untuk sisi tubuh sebelah kanan, dan ulangi hingga 8-15 kali untuk masing-masing sisi tubuh.

Mini Leg Lowers 

  1. Berbaringlah di atas matras dengan tangan di belakang kepala atau di sisi samping tubuh (pilihlah posisi yang membuat Anda lebih merasa nyaman)
  2. Angkat bagian tubuh atas (pundak, leher, dan kepala) agar tidak menyentuh lantai, lalu angkat kedua kaki lurus ke atas dan kontraksikan otot perut.
  3. Turunkan sedikit kedua kaki secara perlahan (maksimal 5 cm), tahan, lalu angkat perlahan hingga lurus ke atas kembali.
  4. Ulangi hingga 8-15 kali
Weight Crunch

  1. Berbaringlah di atas matras dengan kedua tangan memegang dumbbell sambil diletakkan di atas dada, lalu tekuk kedua kaki.
  2. Tarik napas lewat hidung dan luruskan tulang belakang.
  3. Buang napas lewat mulut dan kencangkan otot perut, lalu angkat bagian atas tubuh (pundak, leher, dan kepala) dari matras.
  4. Turunkan kembali badan secara perlahan, ulangi hingga 8-12 kali.
Untuk meningkatkan efektifitas latihan, minumlah BodyShape®, susu rendah lemak yang mengandung tinggi protein, tinggi kalsium, dan juga L-Carnitine yang mampu menyediakan nutrisi yang diperlukan dalam pembentukan badan yang langsing dan lebih kencang. Mengapa? Otot berperan penting di dalam pembakaran kalori dan juga dalam membuat tubuh terlihat lebih kencang dan berlekuk. Dan tidak perlu khawatir soal berotot besar seperti binaragawan. Wanita tidak memiliki kadar hormon testosteron setinggi pria (hormon yang berperan di dalam pembentukan otot). Oleh sebab itu, wanita jauh lebih sulit untuk membentuk otot yang besar dibanding pria.
Untuk keamanan saat berlatih, perhatikan kemampuan dan kondisi tubuh Anda saat berolahraga. Jangan melakukan olahraga melebihi batas kemampuan Anda.
Bila ingin meningkatkan intensitas olahraga, tingkatkan secara bertahap dengan cara menambah jumlah repetisi dari masing-masing gerakan.

Selamat berlatih, Sure you can do!

'Star Trek Darkness" Review : Read and Watch Two Opinions on J.J. Abrams' Sequel

Sequels are a tricky thing. In the best cases, they transcend the original work by adding emotional depth and context, elevating the entire story arc. In the worst cases, they’re a carbon copy of the original with perhaps a bigger “wow” factor. Star Trek Into Darkness, like many sequels, falls into the middle ground. It expands and broadens the scope of the original while duplicating most of the elements that were already in place from the 2009 film.
To follow his first Trek revival, director J.J. Abrams has made a much more visually impressive and exciting action film, and one worthy of the Star Trek franchise. It simply lacks the inspiration that made his first film so special.

After the jump, read the rest of this review and see a video blog with some differing opinions.
The biggest addition to Star Trek Into Darkness is the introduction of a new villain named John Harrison, played by Benedict Cumberbatch. In this character screenwriters Damon Lindelof, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman create a much more engaging, formidable and ambiguous villain than Nero of the ’09 Trek. Into Darkness fires on all cylinders when Harrison is playing both sides of the moral line. We aren’t quite sure where his head is at, and neither is Captain Kirk. This eventually changes but we’ll leave that substantial reveal for the cinema.

A great villain is nothing without great heroes, and the best part of Into Darkness bar none is the expansion use of an incredible cast. Everyone, from stars Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana, down to more secondary crew members played by Simon Pegg, John Cho and Karl Urban, is really allowed to spread their wings. Instead of just the one or two prerequisite catch phrases, each character’s position is molded and suited to the story at hand, giving them all a few moments in the sun. The standouts are Urban, who has the best lines out of the bunch, and Quinto, who takes Spock on the film’s most complete journey. If you go into the film simply to see these characters again, you’d be happy.

The film’s pace is also quite good, largely in part to the near perfect distribution and variety of large action set pieces and visual effects. Everything looks beautiful (especially in IMAX 3D), and sounds wonderful (composer Michael Giacchino‘s work is solid as usual). Yet there’s always the knowledge we’re watching a franchise film, and truly putting the characters in peril is challenging. Attempts are made, with varying degrees of success, to convincingly threaten the heroes. But therein lies the emotional disconnect between the sequel and the original film. In the first movie we weren’t quite sure where everyone stood. Now that we do, it’s a bit harder to pull the heart strings.

Explaining more of why Star Trek Into Darkness never quite reaches the heights of its predecessor would require giving examples you don’t want to read yet. In broad terms, the surprises (of which there are many) never resonate as much as they’re meant to. At times they work, but they’re not the highlights of the film they should be. Those highlights come in the form of small character moments as portrayed by the fine cast, and the jaw-dropping visual effects sequences.

In the first set of Star Trek movies, the second film exceeded the first in every way imaginable. Star Trek Into Darkness is not Wrath of Khan. It’s more like The Voyage Home; a fun but frivolous sequel. Even if that comparison means nothing to you, there’s a good chance you’ll enjoy Star Trek Into Darkness a ton. The goods are there; unfortunately they don’t have more impact.

Review : Samsung Galaxy Grand Duos (GT-I9082)

On December 18th, Samsung announced the Galaxy Grand. The Galaxy Grand will be available in two different colors and versions. One of these versions is the Galaxy Grand DUOS, a dual-sim device. The Samsung Galaxy Grand will be available in a blue and a white version. Now that the Galaxy Grand DUOS has been released for a while, we think it’s about time to review this device for you! We at SamMobile own the blue version of the Galaxy Grand DUOS device.
In this review we will discuss the following points:
- Design
- Interface
- Screen
- Camera
- Battery
- Speed
- Conclusion

As mentioned before, the Galaxy Grand DUOS is available in a blue and a white version. The Galaxy Grand can pretty much be seen as a smaller variant of the Galaxy Note II, or as a bigger variant of the Galaxy SIII depending on your point of view. If you’re used to having a Galaxy Note II and you’re holding the Galaxy Grand DUOS it feels very comfortable to hold in your hands. Not only the Galaxy Grand is a bit smaller than the Note II, it’s also a bit thinner. Pretty much the whole design of the Galaxy Grand has been copied from the Galaxy Note II. The device feels pretty solid to hold. The back texture on the device has been changed to a textured background just like the Galaxy S4 has.
At the front of the device we can see the front camera, level sensors, speakergrill, homebutton and  of course the 5.0” screen. The volume rocker of the device are located on the left side of the device, the powerbutton is located on the right side. On the top of the device there is the 3.5mm headset plug-in hole. Samsung hasn’t moved the Micro USB charging point from the bottom of the device since it was introduced there on the Galaxy SII device, so the Galaxy Grand’s Micro USB connector is also located on the bottom of the device. On the back of the device there is a LED flashlight, speaker and the 8MP camera sensor. The complete device has been made out of plastic. This doesn’t have to be a real problem as Samsung produces very strong plastics, but on the other hand it makes the device lose its premium feeling.
Below we will show you some design photos of the Galaxy Grand. In case you might wonder about the color blue used on the device, it pretty much matches the color of the Galaxy Camera or the back of the Galaxy Note.

The Samsung Grand DUOS uses Samsung’s own Nature UX interface. This interface can also be found on the Galaxy SIII and Galaxy Note II devices for example. But because of Samsung’s own system requirements, Samsung had to downgrade it’s Nature UX version a bit to make it run smooth on the Galaxy Grand. This means that not all smart functions are available on this device. One of the smart functions the Galaxy Grand DUOS does have is Smart Stay. Smart Stay is able to detect if you’re using the device or not by monitoring the front camera. This way the screen can switch quicker between on and off. It also makes sure the screen won’t turn off unexpectedly because of the set screen timeout. Another smart feature of the Galaxy Grand DUOS is Multi-Window. The fact that the screen of the device is pretty big combined with the Multi-Window feature makes it able to open two windows on your screen at the same time. This is great if you like multitasking. Multi-Window works pretty well in our opinion. However, not all applications are included with Samsung’s device by default.
As stated before, the Galaxy Grand has an 5.0” screen. Samsung’s Nature UX interface is pretty easy to use. This works great most of the time, but can sometimes also be annoying to the end user.
The Galaxy Grand has a screen resolution of 480×800 pixels, which can sometimes make the icons look pretty large. This might bother some people, but you will probably get used to it pretty fast. The Nature UX used on the Galaxy Grand contains a homescreen, menu and widgets. This is the same as for the other devices using the Nature UX. The widgets are resizable in both width and height.
Because we’re testing the Galaxy Grand DUOS variant in this review, we’re also testing it with two sim cards inserted. When changing between the sim cards is done, the background of the device also changes to make it clear that the sim has changed. This feature can also be found in the older Galaxy S DUOS device. Samsung has also made a settings menu to manage the dual-sim settings. This way the end user can choose which sim to use for the internet connection and which sim to use to make phone calls. It is also possible to temporary disable a sim card or enable both of them at the same time.
While navigating through the interface we have noticed that the device can be used very smooth when navigating the menu. However, sometimes we did notice a small delay which might be more firmware than hardware related. This might be gone in the next firmware update. We’re pretty sure the device will get updated to Android 4.2.2 in the near future.
As you might have noticed, we did not really go into too much details of the Nature UX interface. This is mostly because the interface is not new to the most people. This interface can now even be found on Samsung’s second flagship device from a while ago (2012), the Galaxy SIII. The good thing about the Nature UX is the fact that it is really easy to use. Pretty much all functions do not need any explanation thanks to this interface. Some more hardcore users might find this boring however, it’s a matter of personal preference mostly.
The Galaxy Grand DUOS uses a 5.0” LCD screen with a resolution of 480×800 pixels. Because this resolution is pretty low, the pixels per inch (PPI) are also a bit lower than usual. The PPI of this device is 187 pixels per inch. Compared with the Galaxy S4 (same screen size), which has a PPI of 441, the difference is very clear as it is more than twice as much! But the price of the Galaxy Grand has also a lot lower price than the price of the Galaxy S4, so a bit of a lower-spec screen can be expected as the price is also about half of the Galaxy S4! Nevertheless the screen is pretty good for the price. The colors seem very natural to the end user. The major disadvantage of the LCD screens like these are the black colors of the screen. This is mostly a problem when watching videos (eg Youtube), especially when you’re used to AMOLED screens. On AMOLED screens the color black means the screen is actually off, which makes black really look like black. The Samsung Galaxy S series are equipped with AMOLED screens for example. The disadvantage of AMOLED screens on the other hand might be that some users feel like these colors might look a bit over-the-top (not natural) anymore. Our summary is that the screen of the Galaxy Grand is just good. The resolution might have been a bit higher but the overall display is very good considering the price of this device.
Samsung is using a 8MP back camera in the Galaxy Grand DUOS and a 2MP front camera as well. The 8MP back camera can take excellent pictures at a maximum resolution of 3264×2448 pixels. The Galaxy Grand DUOS allows Full HD filming as well. Most people barely use the front camera in everyday usage as video calling isn’t really a mainstream success (yet). However, the front camera is very useful for smart functions like the Smart Stay function discussed above.
The back camera can take pictures in a lot of modes. One of these modes is the brightness. By adjusting the brightness, you might be able to take even better pictures with the camera. Some different landscape modes are included by Samsung as well. Other modes worth mentioning are the Smile, Burst and Panorama modes. For Panorama photos the maximum angle of the pictures is 180 degrees. We hope the next update will support 360 degrees photos for the Panorama mode.
Below you will find some screenshots of the camera modes of this device and some photos taken with the actual device. A video from the Galaxy Grand DUOS is also included.
Samsung has used an excellent battery in the Galaxy Grand DUOS device. The capacity of this battery is 2100mAH; enough to cover a full day of intensive use of this device. The standby time of the Galaxy Grand DUOS is very good, however, the standby time of the regular Galaxy Grand is even better as it doesn’t have dual sim cards connecting to a mobile network. We did not have any complaints about the battery ourselves. With regular use the battery can last about 1 to 3 days. For intensive use of the device it will last about 1 full day. The standby time of the device is about 2 to 3 weeks.
As we have mentioned above the speed of the Galaxy Grand DUOS is pretty good but not excellent at some points. Most people probably won’t notice this, but we did. However, we must add that the Galaxy Grand is positioned in the market as a Mid-range Android phone and we usually only use High-end Android phones ourselves so this isn’t really a fair comparison. The Galaxy Grand features an 1.2 GHz dual-core processor which is fast enough to give the end user an enjoyable experience for daily usage. However, intensive gaming is not meant to be done with this particular device.
The Galaxy Grand DUOS is a great device for end users with two sim cards. It is comfortable to hold in your hands and is pretty fast. Also the Nature UX interface by Samsung makes it very easy to use. We are a bit disappointed by the screen, especially the screens resolution might have been a bit higher in our opinion. This would make the icons a bit less big and the PPI a bit higher. The camera and the battery on the other hand are pretty good.
We ourselves would only buy this device because of its ability to handle two sim cards at
the same time. For the regular Galaxy Grand the screen resolution is just not good enough for the price in our opinion. However, the device still is a perfect Mid-range Android phone to experience the use of a large screen smartphone at a reasonable price.

4 Wisata Alam Terindah Di Indonesia

  1. Gunung Bromo
    Gunung Bromo merupakan salah satu gunung dari lima gunung yang terdapat di komplek Pegunungan Tengger di laut pasir. Daya tarik gunung ini adalah merupakan gunung yang masih aktif. Obyek wisata Gunung Bromo ini merupakan fenomena alam dengan Kekhasan gejala alam yang tidak ditemukan di tempat lain adalah adanya kawah di tengah kawah (creater in the creater) dengan hamparan laut pasir yang mengelilinginya. Daya Tarik tambahan juga terdapat pada saat pengunjung dapat menyaksikan Sunrise di Gunung Penanjakan sebelum turun menuju Gunung Bromo
  2. Raja Ampat
    Kepulauan Raja Ampat merupakan kepulauan yang berada di barat pulau Papua di provinsi Papua Barat, tepatnya di bagian kepala burung Papua. Kepulauan ini merupakan tujuan penyelam-penyelam yang tertarik akan keindahan pemandangan bawah lautnya.
  3. Danau Sentani
    Danau Sentani di bawah lereng Pegunungan Cycloops yang terbentang antara Kota Jayapura dan Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua. Landskap Danau Sentani dengan gugusan pulau di tengahnya merupakan salah satu yang terindah di Indonesia. Dimana merupakan salah satu panorama yang bagus untuk dikunjungi. Dengan daerah yang tenang dan sejuk. merupakan tempat yang menjadi salah satu obyek yang harus dikunjungi.
  4. Puncak Jayawijaya dan Carstenz
    Puncak yang juga terdaftar sebagai salah satu dari tujuh puncak benua (Seven Summit) yang sangat fenomenal dan menjadi incaran pendaki gunung di berbagai belahan dunia. Puncak Jayawijaya terletak di Taman Nasional Laurentz, Papua. Puncak ini diselimuti oleh salju abadi. Salju abadi di Puncak Jayawijaya merupakan satu dari tiga padang salju di daerah tropis yang terdapat di dunia. Di negeri kita yang dilalui garis khatulistiwa ini, menyaksikan adanya salju di Indonesia tentunya sesuatu yang mustahil untuk bisa dimengerti. Carstenz Pyramid (4884 mdpl) adalah salah satu puncak yang bersalju tersebut. Puncak tertinggi di Asia Tenggara dan Pasifik ini terletak di rangkaian Pegunungan Sudirman. Puncak ini terkenal tidak hanya karena tingginya, tetapi juga karena terdapat lapisan salju di puncaknya.